This show focuses on the lives and works of Leonard Cohen (1934–2016) and Eva Cassidy (1963-1996). Many people know Leonard Cohen, but who was Eva Cassidy? If the word ‘pure’ applies to someone, then it must be Eva Cassidy, the singer who died much too early. Wary from glitter, glamour, pomp and circumstance Cassidy always searched for the essence of a carefully chosen song.

Jos van Rens & Wietske Boers

Jos van Rens & Wietske Boesveld

Her interpretations of well-known and less well-known songs were always accurate and often better than the original. Singer, guitarist Jos van Rens, singers Wietske Boesveld, Nienke Crijns and Cassidy’s  biographer Johan Bakker, bring a fascinating tribute to these unique musicians. They do so with stories, songs and many musical examples. Don’t miss this performance!

Nienke Crijns

Nienke Crijns

Johan Bakker

Johan Bakker

Try Out: 23-March-2019 Theater de Klimboom Simpelveld 8: 00 – 10: 30 PM | entrance € 10.00

Premiere: 29-March-2019 ING room Parkstad Limburg Theater Heerlen 8: 30 – 10-45 PM | entrance € 15.00

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