Bette Midler: Get your Eva Cassidy record now.

Singer and actress Bette Midler wrote on her FB-page: “The Autumn leaves, drift by my window, The Autumn leaves of red and gold” Get out your old Eva Cassidy record now! 

One response to “Bette Midler: Get your Eva Cassidy record now.”

  1. Barry Patman says:

    Hi I have had Songbird for some time. Recently I did a search; “Eva Cassidy CD’s”. I could not believe how many were available. Anyway I purchased “Blues Alley”, from Amazon, it was sent from Germany. What a fabulous CD. Eva’s version of “Take me to the River” blew my mind, I had to repeat.
    I am hoping to receive money from my photos and then by the rest of Eva’s music collection.
    Can I join the fan club, from Australia?
    Barry Patman

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Bette Midler