Eight years ago the Eva Cassidy biography Behind the Rainbow was published. The book received many positive reviews and readers let us know that Eva Cassidy’s life story had moved them. “Through it all her shimmering spirit shines making this biography both a searching analysis and a warm commemoration of a uniquely talented young woman.” “A better study of this singer could probably not be written.” “Thoroughly researched and described and a must for every Eva fan.” Other readers said they had got to know the music of Eva Cassidy thanks to this book. A year after its publication Behind the Rainbow won the British People’s Book Prize for non-fiction.
Nowadays the book is available only as an e-book. That’s a pity because most people, prefer a paper book. We receive a lot of emails from people all over the world asking when a new edition of the Eva Cassidy biography will be published, a book that includes current topics as discussed on the website of the Eva Cassidy fan club. Unfortunately, we do not have the answer to that question. We would therefore like to refer you to the publisher who will be dealing with this matter. If you would like Behind the Rainbow to appear in a new paper edition, please send an email to Omnibus Press in London: omniinfo@wisemusic.com.
Let’s hope that the book will be available again in 2021!
You can order the e-book here: https://www.amazon.com/Behind-Rainbow-Tragic-Life-Cassidy-ebook/dp/B006ZP847K
Hello, I have an English copy for sale, can you give my contactinfo to someone who really wants it?
It’s the one from 2011.
I read it once and it’s looking good, the paper cover has little dents at the edges.
And I want something around 20 euro for it.
Johan Mol