“There will never be a new Eva”

All of those who belonged to the close circle around Eva reacted to her death on November 2nd, 1996, in their own way and did everything they could to keep her flame burning. Hugh Cassidy tried to cope with the loss of his daughter by making a statue of her. He had been making sculptures from an early age, but it wasn’t until Eva died that Hugh really became absorbed in creating art from scrap metal. He must have been inspired because the face of the angel he designed has Eva’s features. Like Eva, Hugh makes realistic human faces with a surreal twist, yet there’s always hope in the work. The Cassidys’ art isn’t necessarily cheery, but it is usually positive.



In 1997 Chuck Brown recorded an album of jazz standards called Timeless, which he released in 1998 and dedicated to Eva. It was produced by Lenny Williams and Chris Biondo who both played in the jazz combo as well. Chuck didn’t want to perform with another female singer again. He said about his former companion: “There will never be a new Eva.”

Chuck Brown

Chuck Brown

Eva’s friend Anna Karen sent the recording of ‘Fields Of Gold’ to its writer, Sting. The former Police singer had rarely heard a voice of such purity. He was sorry to learn of Eva’s death and believed that this somehow took the song to a deeper emotional level. He was moved by Eva’s version of his song: “Her voice has a magical quality. It suggests something ethereal – something unattainable,” he said in an interview with Richard Harrington of the Washington Post on March 23, 2001.



3 responses to ““There will never be a new Eva””

  1. Stuart m. Ayers says:

    Unfortunately I ran across a recording of Eva long after her sweet and beautiful life had ended. What a huge loss to our American culture to lose such a talented woman. I have rarely every heard such a gorgeous genuine God gift in such a voice. Her family and friends must deeply miss her.

    For music lovers, I feel blessed to have ran across Eva Cassidy’s music. What a blessing she was to our world and music community

  2. Barbara lahey says:

    I have admired and loved her music for a long time now…
    I have shared with all ages…an amazing artist who left us much too soon.
    She inspires my soul…will treasure her music always….barbara

  3. Kari says:

    Eva is an original and a legend. She has inspired many. I am one of her footprints; left behind to mirror what trail she has blazed for me to walk in. I am Forever grateful for her art! She has unlocked me.

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